Copier & Printer

Unlocking Efficiency: The Importance of Scanning Services Across Industries

May 24, 20244 min read

Unlocking Efficiency:

The Importance of Scanning Services Across Industries

Scanning Services by Industry

Converting documents to digital formats offers numerous advantages for anyone managing a high volume of paperwork, collaborating with others, or working from various locations. Different industries have unique needs and requirements for scanning services, and a tailored electronic document management system can meet these specific demands. Here, we explore the benefits of document scanning services for several key industries.

Medical Practices

With the passage of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) in 2009, there has been a significant push for medical practices to transition to electronic systems. HITECH aims to enhance the security of medical records and incentivize the adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs).

Electronic Health Records (EHRs)

EHRs are real-time, digital versions of patient charts, making information instantly and securely accessible. This digital format is one of the most reliable ways to ensure accurate and quick access to patient information. EHRs improve coordinated care among providers and offer patients easier access to their health information. Doctors benefit from spending more time with patients and less time on administrative tasks.

Important Items to Include in Every EMR:

  • Growth Charts for Pediatric Patients

  • Key Patient Demographic Data

  • Problem Lists

  • Historical Procedures

  • Immunizations

  • Allergies

  • Current Medications

  • Legal Documents

  • Medical Device or Implant Information

Legal Firms

Legal firms handle vast amounts of paperwork, making document scanning essential. Scanning provides easy access to all documents related to a particular case, ensuring a clear and uniform organization of records. OCR scanning is especially beneficial for redacting sensitive information in case files and other documents.

Typical Legal Documents to Scan:

  • Contracts

  • Legal Billing

  • Client Accounting

  • Expense and Time Tracking

  • Will Documents

  • Deeds

  • Various Types of Court Documents

  • Trusts

Accounting Firms

Maintaining client files can be costly. Transitioning to a digital system allows for quick retrieval of documents during audits and improves efficiency, especially during the year-end rush. Professional scanning services can convert boxes of receipts and invoices into structured, searchable electronic documents, facilitating faster and more accurate data entry into accounting software like Sage.

Typical Accounting Documents to be Scanned:

  • Audit Worksheets

  • IRS Tax Forms

  • Evidential Documents

  • Proxy Statements

  • Correspondence

  • Source Documents

  • Advisory Letters

  • Invoices

  • Receipts

Architecture Firms

Engineering, construction, and architectural firms benefit from large format and blueprint conversion services. Large format scanners handle engineering drawings and blueprints, making plans easily accessible and eliminating the need for hard copy libraries. This enhances productivity, collaboration, performance, and profits while reducing drawing management expenses.

Architecture Documents to Digitize:

  • Engineering Drawings

  • Architectural Renderings

  • Circuit Diagrams

  • Any Business Records (safety sheets, training records, etc.)

Government Offices

Government offices manage vast collections of documents with strict retention policies. Scanning reduces the costs of records storage and the need for additional space. Digital data does not deteriorate over time, making it a cost-effective solution for long-term document storage.

Government Documents to Scan:

  • Vital Records

  • Social Service Records

  • Children & Families Records

  • Land Records

  • Maps

  • GIS Mapping

  • Business Records

  • Trade Names

  • Licenses & Permits

  • Tax Records

  • Liens

The Advantages of Scanning for Any Industry

Regardless of the industry, document scanning provides numerous benefits that enhance business workflow and efficiency, helping you stay competitive.

Easy Access

Digital files stored in a document management system are easily searchable and accessible. OCR scanning allows for editable files, saving time and effort.

Easy Transfer

Digital files can be shared effortlessly, eliminating the need for photocopying and reducing costs associated with photocopy machines, ink, and energy. Enhanced security ensures that only authorized individuals can access these files.


Document scanning eliminates the need for numerous file cabinets, transforming your office from a document warehouse to a productive workspace.


Digital storage negates the need for off-site storage facilities and extra office space for filing cabinets. The saved space can be used for more productive purposes, such as adding revenue-generating employees.


Accurate digital documents underpin good decision-making, efficiency, compliance, safety, and trust across all industries.


Features like password encryption, access controls, version control, and automatic data backups enhance the security of scanned confidential files.

Enhance Your Business with Professional Scanning Services

If you’re looking to convert your paper records to digital, QLS Solutions Group can help. Our nationwide network of contractors can set up the perfect document management plan for your office. For a quote, please Book a Quick Call so we can gather the correct information to propose a scanning service solution: Schedule a Call.

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